Life doesn’t always go to plan. You may think ‘it will never happen to me’ but the reality is some of us will encounter unexpected events. Insurance pays out a sum of money whenever there is an unexpected event that happens in someone’s life.

Insurance is your protection giving you the peace of mind you deserve so you can have a worry-free meaningful time with your loved ones.

Refer to a list of insurance services below that we provide that are tailor-fit to your needs.


Personal Insurance

Life Insurance

Life doesn’t always go to plan. You may think ‘it will never happen to me’ but the reality is some of us will die unexpectedly, leaving family and loved ones behind.

Life insurance pays out a lump sum in the event of death or terminal illness and can help to financially protect the people and the things you value.

You might want life insurance to cover your mortgage debt or provide funds for another reason to enable your family to continue without the added stresses of financial hardship.

To find out more about how we can help you find the right life insurance cover, Talk To Us today for a free, no-obligation discussion.

Trauma Insurance

Trauma Insurance provides a lump sum payment to help you protect yourself and your family should you be diagnosed with a specified critical illness condition.

Most trauma policies cover you for over 40 critical illness conditions, but the most common claims are for Cancer, Heart Attack or Stroke.

We believe that everyone should have some level of trauma insurance as a means of protection.

Having trauma cover means you can solely focus on recovering and getting back on your feet, without having to worry about how you’re going to survive financially.

The best time to get trauma protection is when you’re young and healthy. So why not contact us today to see how little this costs.

Total and Permanent Disability Insurance

Permanent disablement cover provides a lump sum payment in the event of you not being able to work in your own or any occupation ever again.

Imagine the significant financial impact if you were never going to be able to work in the future. Not only that but think about all the extra ongoing or specific care that you may also require.

You can use the benefit to pay off debt or cover ongoing living expenses. The purpose of the funds is entirely yours to decide.

Income Protection Insurance

If you had to suddenly stop working tomorrow because of illness or injury, would your family continue to enjoy the lifestyle they currently enjoy? Would the mortgage be covered? Would you need to eat into your hard-earned savings? Or would you even struggle to afford the basics?

Income Protection looks after your lifestyle by protecting your ability to earn an income.

Income protection protects your ability to receive an income if the unexpected happens and you’re unable to work (whether this is short term or long term).

It’s a complicated subject so why not contact us for the very best advice.

Mortgage Protection Insurance

What would happen if you lost the ability to meet your mortgage repayments due to health reasons?

Mortgage Protection Insurance policy can take away that worry and allow you to meet your mortgage payments in the event of disability or sickness. 

Don’t let your dream home slip away from your grasp, secure your mortgage payments today and make sure you and your family always have a roof over your heads.

You can also include redundancy cover as part of your package.

Medical Insurance

Get fast treatment, so you can get on with your lifestyle. 

At some time in our lives, we’re all probably going to get sick or suffer an injury that we may need medical treatment for. And while our public health system looks after urgent problems, treatment for many illnesses can involve a long, uncomfortable wait.

Private Medical Insurance gives you fast access to private treatment when you need it, making a speedy return to normal life possible.

Health Insurance is often more affordable than you may think.

When it comes to looking at private medical insurance, here are some factors to consider which may be important to you:

  • Non-PHARMAC drugs (gives you access to new and expensive drugs that are not publicly funded)
  • Choosing an excess to keep your premiums low and affordable as you get older
  • Some health insurance policies cover your specialists & tests; GP visits; dental and optical
  • Medical insurance solely for children/grandchildren
Travel Insurance

Having travel insurance while visiting New Zealand is very important to protect yourself whether you’re on a holiday, catching up with family, travelling for work, or studying. Travel insurance provides you with the freedom to enjoy your stay in New Zealand with confidence and peace of mind.

Business Insurance

Business Protection Insurance

Being the boss can be exciting and rewarding, and as a business ourselves, we appreciate the responsibilities and risks that can come with becoming and staying successful.

Protecting your business against property loss or damage is important, but have you considered the importance of your most valuable asset – yourself and the people you rely on?

Key Person Insurance

Designed to protect a small to medium-sized business if a key person within the business is no longer able to continue working in that business due to death, total and permanent disability, critical illness, accident or sickness.

Debt Protection

Provides insurance cover to allow a business to receive a benefit to help pay off any outstanding loans or capital expenses for which a business partner who was forced to exit the business, was a guarantor for.

Shareholder Protection

The absence of shareholder agreements in New Zealand companies is a stumbling block that often results in costly disputes over how private companies are valued, run, grown, or even wound up.

The main aim of this type of insurance is to ensure the smooth transfer of ownership or winding-up of the business in the event of a shareholder leaving the business upon death, permanent disability or diagnosis of a critical illness or major trauma.

General Insurance

House Insurance

Insuring our home protects it against the risk of fire or other damage. Most home insurance provides cover only up to the ‘sum insured’ – a capped amount that is the limit of what we can claim. We need to decide what our sum insured is – how much it would take to rebuild our home in the event of a disaster.

House insurance is usually required by a lender when we have a mortgage. Mortgage Insurance covers the bank if we can’t make the payments on our loan.

Contents Insurance

Contents insurance covers damage and loss of our belongings.

It also provides some ‘third party’ cover if we damage someone else’s belongings in the house we are living in. So it’s a good idea when flatting or renting.

Car Insurance

A car may be one of the most expensive items we own. If it is stolen or damaged in an accident, it can be very expensive to repair or replace. Motor vehicle insurance will pay to repair or replace our car if these events occur.

‘Comprehensive’ motor vehicle insurance is the most common and it covers us for loss, theft or damage to our vehicle. It also covers us for accidental damage to the other car or property we damage.

It can be tempting to save money by not insuring a cheap car. This can be a mistake – if we cause an accident, we could be responsible for paying for the other car’s damage.

Cheaper options are ‘third party’ and ‘third party, fire, and theft’ cover. Third-party insurance covers damage to another person’s vehicle or property, but not ours. Extending third party insurance to fire and theft covers the risk of our car being destroyed by fire or stolen, too.

The cost of insurance will vary depending on our age, claims history, the level of excess we are prepared to take, and the make and type of vehicle.



Contact us for a FREE consultation to know the best options for you.