KiwiSaver Scheme

Most of us know the benefits of KiwiSaver and what it can provide but you may not actually know if you are making the most of what KiwiSaver has to offer.

The KiwiSaver Scheme allows you to save on a regular basis and helps you better prepare for your retirement in a way that a regular savings account can’t.

We can help you with your KiwiSaver planning in a number of ways including:

  • Joining KiwiSaver if you are over the age of 65
  • Giving advice if you have not already joined
  • Ensuring you are in the appropriate fund to maximise your returns
  • Making sure that you are in receipt of your free money (Government Contribution)
  • Calculating your retirement benefits so you know what KiwiSaver is likely to provide at retirement
  • Using KiwiSaver to help you purchase a home

We specialise in providing advice about how KiwiSaver can best work for you. 

Please contact us for more detailed financial advice on the range of products available and which one is best for you.



Contact us for a FREE consultation to know the best options for you.